Google Maps Platform is a set of mapping solution APIs and SDKs that allows developers to embed Google Maps into mobile tools, apps, and web pages, or to retrieve data from Google Maps. Depending on your needs, you may find yourself using one or a combination of these APIs and SDKs.
For an overview of pricing for the Google Maps Platform mapping products, please see the Pricing Sheet. To learn more about how Google Maps Platform APIs are billed, please see Understanding billing for Maps, Routes, Places, and Environment.
See the Overview, Developer, and Get Started guides for the specific mapping tool API or SDK you are interested in. For example, check out the guides for Maps SDK for Android or Maps JavaScript API.
See Google Maps Platform Support and Resources for information about available support options. The support team is available 24x5 (weekdays from Monday 9 a.m. Tokyo time to Friday 5 p.m. Pacific time) excluding regional holidays for "service unusable" issues.
The Google Maps team is constantly pushing new map data and mapping tools out and increasing our international coverage. Consult the Google Maps coverage data for the latest coverage information. You can filter the data with the filter box at the top of the page. Please note that coverage data can change if licensing agreements with the data providers change.
Also see:
*Free usage refers to monthly calls available at no cost