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Product category pricing to meet your needs
10K free* calls per SKU per month
Integrate the best of Google Maps into your applications.
5K free* calls per SKU per month
Build more dynamic and differentiated experiences.
1K free* calls per SKU per month
Transform your business with maximum flexibility and control.
Discover the APIs and SDKs available to create the best maps for your business.
Product category pricing to meet your needs
10K free* calls per SKU per month
Integrate the best of Google Maps into your applications.
5K free* calls per SKU per month
Build more dynamic and differentiated experiences.
1K free* calls per SKU per month
Transform your business with maximum flexibility and control.
By industry
By use case
Product category pricing to meet your needs
10K free* calls per SKU per month
Integrate the best of Google Maps into your applications.
5K free* calls per SKU per month
Build more dynamic and differentiated experiences.
1K free* calls per SKU per month
Transform your business with maximum flexibility and control.
Discover the APIs and SDKs available to create the best maps for your business.
Product category pricing to meet your needs
10K free* calls per SKU per month
Integrate the best of Google Maps into your applications.
5K free* calls per SKU per month
Build more dynamic and differentiated experiences.
1K free* calls per SKU per month
Transform your business with maximum flexibility and control.
By industry
By use case
Product category pricing to meet your needs
10K free* calls per SKU per month
Integrate the best of Google Maps into your applications.
5K free* calls per SKU per month
Build more dynamic and differentiated experiences.
1K free* calls per SKU per month
Transform your business with maximum flexibility and control.
Discover the APIs and SDKs available to create the best maps for your business.
Product category pricing to meet your needs
10K free* calls per SKU per month
Integrate the best of Google Maps into your applications.
5K free* calls per SKU per month
Build more dynamic and differentiated experiences.
1K free* calls per SKU per month
Transform your business with maximum flexibility and control.
By industry
By use case

Demo Gallery

See how you can make our next-generation maps your own.

Built by
  • anyone
    • anyone
    • Google
    • community
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Immersive experiences for retail marketing
Build maps that allow customers to build brand connection, trust and loyalty.

Explore an immersive Retail demo to show brands how they can bring the real and virtual worlds together to deliver engaging and delightful experiences.

A virtual billboard for a fashion brand displayed in a virtual city
AI-powered place summaries
Create AI geospatial experiences with Gemini model capabilities for the Places API.

Learn how to help your users more easily find the ideal places, with Gemini model capabilities for Places API.

Map with AI-generated place descriptions
Key features
Photorealistic 3D maps in JavaScript
Create immersive experiences with Photorealistic 3D Maps in JavaScript.

See how JavaScript developers can deliver 3D maps at scale, starting with a single line of code.

Photorealistic 3D map of a harbor
Women Techmakers
See the stories of Women Techmaker Ambassadors.

Explore a custom map built to display content creatively, with a unique mix of products and features, including Street View Tiles and Advanced Markers.

A photo of earth with illustrations of women in tech
Recycling trash can AR map
An augmented reality map to guide college students to recycling trash cans on campus.

The California State University Fresno campus has many recycling trash cans. This augmented reality map helps students find the closest location to increase recycling rates, decrease landfill mass, and contribute to sustainability.

Maps showing the location of recycling bins on a college campus.
Key products
Crop Progress Tracker
A 3D visualization of the USDA’s crop progress dataset for the 2021 corn growing season.

This app visualizes the USDA crop progress dataset in 3D throughout the 2021 corn growing season. Elevation, latitude, longitude, and state boundaries help give environmental context.

Map showing crop growth across the US
Key products
Kicky soccer analytics
Interpret soccer analytics data and visualize them on Google Maps.

Kicky uses free soccer analytics data sources to visualize soccer moments on Google Maps in real-world coordinates. It enables users with no coding or analytics experienced to analyze this data. Kicky was the winner of “Best Data Visualization” in the Google Maps Platform Hackathon.

Analytical illustration of a soccer match
Key features
Save the Rain
Calculate how much rain you can save from your own rooftop.

Inspired by estimated worldwide reductions in rainfall, the app uses maps to calculate how much water you could save in a year based on the size of your roof. Save the Rain was the winner of “Most Creative Experience” in the Google Maps Platform Hackathon.

View of a farm from above
Key features
Stay informed of environmental incidents.

When an environmental pollution incident occurs, SkyTruth uses a variety of maps to track and display the event and share the information with the public. Anyone interested can sign up for incident alerts for areas of interest with real-time map information.

A map of environmental incidents
Key products
Advanced Markers
Easily create custom interactive markers.

In this demo see how you can customize the Google Maps red pin and create custom markers with SVGs, PNGs or HTML elements—all directly in your code.

Map of the US with location markers
Key features
Interactive city tour
Explore two unique cities and learn how to build your own custom maps.

Take a grand tour through Barcelona and retro Tokyo to explore historical landmarks and unearth hidden mementos. See how Google Maps Platform products can help you build unique, interactive geospatial experiences.

Split images of game intro screens
Explore a sample data visualization story that showcases the possibilities of custom maps.

Google Maps Platform and CARTO have collaborated to bring rich data visualization to web maps. This example uses multiple methods of visualization to tell the story of the potential electrification of truck fleets.

A spinning view of Texas, with different parts of the state highlighted in bright magenta
Key features
3D Driving Simulator
Drive anywhere on Google Maps in 3D.

Race through the streets of Paris, take a Sunday drive around the neighborhood, or rally in the desert – all in three dimensions on Google Maps. You can use your computer, tablet, or phone to drive anywhere in the world.

Image from 3D driving simulator game
Key products
Smart Cities
See how digital twins can be implemented using Google Maps API WebGL with 3D features.

Ubilabs created a demo, “Moving Hamburg,” to show how digital twins can be used to perform digital analyses and scenarios before being put to the test in the real world.

Map of travel routes in Hamburg, Germany
Key products
Join over 4 million people sharing their observations about the natural world.

iNaturalist, a joint initiative of the California Academy of Sciences and the National Geographic Society, allows you to track encounters with organisms around the world. With over 75,000,000 recorded observations so far, the crowdsourced data lives in the cloud and helps scientists understand when and where organisms are found.

Hundreds of red, green, and blue pins covering a map
Mix Maps and AR with Floom, the fun augmented reality app that lets you explore the other side of the globe.

Floom uses your location, and creates a tunnel to the other side of the globe - right in your browser. It was built by Google Creative Lab using the WebXR API and Dynamic Maps API.

Note: Floom is currently only available using Chrome on Android devices.

A portal-like tunnel in the floor, revealing a beach on the other side
Key products
Delivery Tycoon
Try to beat Google Maps Platform in the Delivery Tycoon game.

In this fun game, you plot your own delivery route to see if you can beat Google Maps Platform’s optimized routes.

Two delivery trucks with ice cream cones facing off against each other
WebGL-powered features
See the updates to WebGL-powered Maps and the Dynamic Maps API.

New features include:

  • Tilt & Rotation: You can now control the map in three dimensions. Objects can be resized, and occluded behind other objects.
  • Integrated Camera Control: Instantly update all parameters at once, and implement your own camera animations.
  • WebGL Overlay View: This allows you to render 2D and 3D objects directly on the basemap.
A 3D map tilted to show the location of a church
Key products
Maps customization
Take our new cloud-based maps customization for a test drive.

You can now create custom map styles right on the web. Our new cloud-based map styling makes it easy to tailor experiences for specific industries or customer needs. Try it out, and see how quickly you can create custom maps that publish simultaneous updates across all devices and platforms.

A green and black map that is heavily stylized
Key products
Travel app demo
Travel the world in this interactive WebGL-powered demo.

Explore a new generation of mapping experiences with WebGL-powered Maps, and see how different the world can be when you control and render on the map in three dimensions.

An airplane following a path on a map
Bring your data to the real world with is an open-source data visualization framework for the web that makes it easy to create 2D and 3D visualizations of large geospatial datasets. It allows you to composite multiple layers to analyze complex data in its real-world context and gain valuable insights.

Circles and lines representing geospatial data on a map
3D data visualization
Visualize and analyze massive datasets.

Explore a 3D heatmap of water availability in the Nile Delta region using data in Google Cloud BigQuery, exported from Google Earth Engine.

Explore a 3D heatmap of water availability in the Nile Delta region
Key products
CARTO and photorealistic 3D tiles
Use 3D map tiles to display data in an engaging way

Understand the multiple benefits of vegetation in cities with this map demo. Learn how you can use 3D city imagery, heat mapping, layered visualizations, and other customizations using photorealistic 3D tiles.

Heatmap of a city
High-resolution photorealistic 3D tiles
Power a next-gen 3D visual experience

Our Photorealistic 3D Tiles offer a seamless 3D mesh model of the real world, textured with our high resolution imagery, that uses the same 3D map source as Google Earth.

Computer-generated video of a plane flying over a canyon.
Data-driven styling
Customize your maps with geospatial data

Easily access, display, and style Google’s polygons for administrative boundaries, or use your own geospatial data to create your own points, lines, and polygons.

Map of a shoreline with blue dots indicating locations
Key products
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Google Maps Platform
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Clay cityscape
Clay cityscape
Google Maps Platform
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