Tens of thousands of developers view Google Maps Platform videos every year—from adding a static map to a website to building even more advanced mapping features into mobile applications. If you’re just getting started with maps, or are looking for a refresher, here’s a look at a few of our most-viewed videos to help you get started using Google Maps Platform today.
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How to create and attach a billing account to a Google Cloud Platform project
In this video, Emily Keller shows how to create a Google Cloud project and attach a billing account to it.
How to enable Google Maps Platform APIs and SDKs
In our most-watched video to date, we explain how to enable Google Maps Platform APIs and SDKs.
How to generate and restrict API keys for Google Maps Platform
Find out how to generate and restrict API keys for use with Google Maps Platform.
How to add a Map using Static and Embed APIs
Learn two ways to add Maps to your web page without using JavaScript. The Maps Static API and the Maps Embed API are here to help
How to add a Map using Static and Embed APIs
In this video, learn how to add a simple Google map with a marker to a web page using the Google Maps Platform JavaScript API.
How to add a Map using iOS SDK
Learn how to add a simple Google map with a marker to your iOS app.
Working with markers: custom markers and marker clustering
This video features two ways to highlight points on your maps using custom markers and marker clustering.
For more information on Google Maps Platform, visit our website.