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Introducing Air Quality Forecast to support healthier lifestyle choices

Peleg Amon
Product Manager, Google Maps Platform
Jun 24, 2024
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Knowing current air quality conditions isn’t always sufficient–especially when planning future travel or outdoor activities. We’re excited to introduce Air Quality Forecast as part of our Air Quality API from Google Maps Platform. Using our forecasted pollution levels and insights, you can now help your users to make even more informed decisions about their time outside and –something that becomes increasingly important as wildfire season approaches. 

Our Air Quality Forecast model uses AI models to calculate conditions for several pollutants and predict hourly air quality up to a 500M granular street level for up to 96 hours. Additionally, our forecast feature offers coverage in over 100 countries, with information about pollution concentrations, dominant pollutants, local and universal indexes, actionable recommendations, and the ability to show air quality heatmaps.

With this latest feature, you can now provide your users a full picture of air quality in a given location–from historical air quality (up to the last 30 days) to current conditions and future forecasts for up to 4 days. 

Here are just a few examples of how different industries might incorporate our Air Quality Forecast feature.

  • Travel booking websites:
    Display air quality risk level alongside other travel information  to help travelers choose where to go and how to spend their time.

  • Auto companies: Incorporate our forecast endpoint data into in-cabin systems to empower drivers with timely, proactive notifications when there are significant changes in pollution levels, and build solutions that offer alternative routes with better air quality conditions. 

  • Fitness apps:
    Display air quality heatmaps and insights to help users plan when and where to exercise outdoors.

  • Digital health brands:  Include air quality forecast data in digital tools and features to help users manage their well-being.

Knowing current air quality conditions isn’t always sufficient–especially when planning future travel or outdoor activities. We’re excited to introduce Air Quality Forecast as part of our Air Quality API from Google Maps Platform.

As air quality becomes more of a pressing issue around the world, our Air Quality API Forecast data and insights allows businesses and other organizations to share this important information and help their users make more informed decisions that promote healthier lifestyles. 

For more information about our Air Quality API, visit our website.

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  • *Free usage refers to monthly calls available at no cost. Essentials Map Tiles APIs provide up to 100,000 calls at no cost per SKU per month.