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Google Maps Platform Hackathon Winners Announced

Ahsan Ashraf
Product Marketing Manager, Google Maps Platform
Dec 9, 2022
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In September, we launched the Google Maps Platform hackathon on Devpost. We were blown away by the creativity of the projects submitted. Over 2,600 participants spanning 100+ countries joined to build something they’re passionate about and created unique experiences using Google Maps Platform. Thanks to all the participants and judges that made this hackathon one to remember. 

And without further ado, here are the winning projects.

Best Map Customization: BeeDrone Delivery Simulator

Bee Drone

The scene is New York city, where a ground station (in the form of a space needle) houses several "bee" drones for on-demand deployment. The demo uses a custom vector map style and 3D models of drones to simulate a package pickup-and-delivery use case. Drones leave the ground station, pick up and deliver packages, and return to recharge when needed. The drones follow a kinematic model that lets them fly at a specific altitude above ground level, and orient themselves correctly when flying. The demo shows a floating dashboard above the map to keep track of the on-time delivery percentage (the aim is to be at 100%!) and the amount of demand for pickups and deliveries.

Best Data Visualization: Kicky - Soccer Analytics on a Map

Kicky Soccer

Kicky uses freely accessible soccer analytics data sources. It visualizes soccer moments on Google maps in real-world coordinates. It enables users to analyze data using some machine learning and statistics libraries in the background. Users can see distinct player movements on the 3D map. They can even see a snapshot of selected events, including player positions and the direction of the shot.

Best Mobile App: DayTrip

Day trip

DayTrip uses the Places API for recommendations and reviews, and allows the users to choose four different activities (breakfast, activity, lunch, and final attraction) around their location. After choosing, users can see a short summary of their expected day trip and start navigating via Google Maps. It gives the user a single place that gathers the best recommendations and plans the best, time saving day trip.

Most Creative User Experience: Save the Rain!

Save the rain

The app looks up how much rain you get in a year, then calculates how much water you could save in a year based on the size of your roof. You can also toggle on additional layers of information including: mean annual precipitation worldwide, mean annual precipitation precipitation change, forecasting for the year 2100, US Weekly Drought Monitor (real-time), and 24 Rain Forecast from NOAA (real-time).

Honorable Mentions

Crop Progress Tracker

Recycling Trashcan AR Map


Mapple - Neighborhood Delivered

Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all the participants! Check out all the amazing projects submitted. We can't wait to see you at the next hackathon. 

For more information on Google Maps Platform, visit our website.

Clay cityscape
Clay cityscape
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