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Find your solution more easily with our new Solution Finder

Nina Thatcher
Head of Marketing, Google Maps Platform
Jul 1, 2022
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Last October we rolled out a new web experience to help you better understand the products and solutions best suited for your projects, connect you directly to the developer documentation for each product to get started quickly, and help you visualize usage and associated costs to have a better idea of what to expect before getting started. Now we’re rolling out a new solution finder to make it even easier for you to understand what products you need to build what you want. 

Once on the Google Maps Platform website, you can access Solution Finder three ways: hover over the Resources tab in the top navigation bar, click “find your solution” on the solutions navigation, or click the Solution Finder card on the main hero section of the site. Then, all you need to do is select the use case and industry that applies to your project and you’ll automatically see the products and solutions right for you.

Happy mapping! 

For more information on Google Maps Platform, visit our website.

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