Integrate the most commonly used APIs into your applications with 70K free* calls per SKU per month.
Build more dynamic and differentiated experiences with 35K free* calls per SKU per month.
Transform your business with maximum flexibility and control with 7K free* calls per SKU per month.
† Denotes a Legacy Service SKU. Visit our Legacy products and features page for additional information on legacy services.
** Pricing and billing are calculated in USD, but will be charged in INR. India-specific pricing is available to developers who have a billing address in and have a large majority of usage in India.
Erfahren Sie mehr über Steuern in Ihrem Land und über Wechselkurse.
See documentation for the latest Google Maps Platform country coverage details.
ONDC participants receive additional discounts on a select set of products, exclusively through partners. Learn more.
Teilen Sie uns mit, welche Ziele Sie haben. Wir helfen Ihnen dann, diese mit den professionellen Tools zur Kartierung und Standortbestimmung zu erreichen.
- den besten Standort präsentieren
- den besten Standort präsentieren
- Daten visualisieren
- lokale Informationen bereitstellen
- Güter nachverfolgen
- effiziente Routen anbieten
- interaktive Erlebnisse erstellen
- die Adresseingabe vereinfachen
- zusätzliche Informationen zu Transaktionen bereitstellen
- eine Produktsuche erstellen
- eine Filialsuche erstellen
- Bezahlvorgänge verbessern
- Fahrten und Lieferungen anbieten
- Flottenlieferungen auf der letzten Meile optimieren
- eine Standortsuche für Filialen und Geldautomaten hinzufügen
- kontextbezogene Angebote erstellen
- die Anmeldung optimieren
- die Betrugserkennung verbessern
- eine Immobiliensuche hinzufügen
- Stadtviertel hervorheben
- Einzelhandel
- Einzelhandel
- Transportwesen und Logistik
- Finanzdienstleistungen
- Immobilien
- Sonstiges
Read the announcement blog or check out the FAQs to learn more about the updates effective on March 1, 2025.
The pricing applies to select Google Maps Platform APIs and SDKs. You can find a detailed list of the price for each API and SDK in the India pricing calculator. Any versions, features, or functionality of the Services labeled “Early Access”, “Alpha”, “Beta”, "Experimental", or "Preview" are Pre-General Availability offerings described in the Maps Service Specific Terms and may be excluded. These are typically not priced and you can use any unrestricted API in your prototype.
The current pricing will be applied to your account and appear on your next billing cycle. For information on billing, view our Reporting documentation. If you have more questions about billing, please reach out to our Support team.
You can choose from our trusted partners to help you build with our APIs and SDKs. Our partners have a high level of expertise and can help you get started and scale quickly.
*Free usage refers to monthly calls available at no cost. Essentials Map Tiles APIs provide up to 700,000 calls at no cost per SKU per month.